Friday, March 25, 2011

Rebecca black

hey Randers,
so i recently heard and watched that Friday music video by Rebecca Black, and i hate it, its annoying......... For all those Randers that haven't seen it follow these steps to stand up comedy

go to
and search Rebecca Black Friday, and click on the official music video......
Get ready to laugh

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


hey randers, its me again and we have a project in english on making our own list of 30 awesome things, our teacher got the idea from the book THE BOOK OF AWESOME.......... and i looked up awesome things and here are some of the things that i thought was really funny....
-Skinny dipping somewere you shouldn't be
-grandma hair
-finally finding the start of this stupid roll of tape
-all the food that comes out of a pig
-when little kids hit the age were they start saying hi ti everyone
-shoeing old people how to do things on the computer
-laughing at a stranger with another stranger
-when you hit your car with something and their is no damage
if you want to know more go to

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ski day

Hello randers,

Waz up, today is a ski day and everyone is gone skinging execpt for 11 grade 7 and ussually there are like 60, so ya, we are at the computer lab at school right now and we are playing on the computers, and my friend is looking at what I'm writting. Anyway I'm going to go and play on the computer...........

BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)

five is my signature number, or 25..............

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Spelling bee

Hi randers,
That is my new nickname for you randers, because my blogs name is random is so random, and you are all readers so i combined them and got randers, so ya. Guess what i got chosen to represent our class in the spelling bee but unfortunatly i got out on the second round because i got a word that i didn't know. The word was yurning, I think it means peeing but i'm not sure. So what happened is that, the teacher told me the word but i heard urine so i said urine, then they said no i said yurning, then i heard urane, so i spelled urane. then i heard the bell, and i was like Oh crap.. Any way I have to go, and you know what it was unfair to because i Got my word pack on monday, and all the other people got it last monday, so I only got 2 days to practise while the others got 1 and 1 half days to practise. And you should see all of the words there were like 1000 of them........ But atleast i tried so ya... BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Sunday, January 2, 2011


The teacher that i was telling you about that got a concussion is supposed to be comming back on the 3rd yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayaya.


yo my peeps


Waz up my peeps, I got i hole new wardrobe from my 20 year old cousin and they fit me i was like wow, and now i have like areo postal stuff and abercrombie and fitch and american eagle, and garage, and billa bong, and plus i went on a shopping spree with my friends and it was awesome, we went to garage and every thing there was like 70% off it was so cooooooooooooooooooooool.. Anyway i'm going to see Harry Potter and the deathly hollows.. I would rather see Tron legacy but what can i do, my family over powers me, but still i'm exited.. GTG (got to go)


Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Its almost christmas break at our school and i'm so exited, and guess what, in invader zim there is this really cute robot and he dresses up like a green dog his name is Gir, and i gave him a christmas makeover. LOOK!!!!!!!!!